"Mount Everest'' is the name of a travel agency from Vienna. They want a nice looking responsive web page where they can advertise their travel offers. "Mount Everest" travel agency also wants that each offer could be shown independently when the user clicks on it or on a button "Details". Whenever that happens, a google maps map should show a pinpoint indicating the location of the current offer.
make a CRUD (create/read/update/delete) for the touristic agency offers.
create a details file: when you click on any offer it will lead you to a new page that will show more information about the offer that was clicked on.
On the details page, you need to use google maps API to show the location of the offer (remember that your database should have the columns longitude and latitude).
From the database that was built, create a display API. This API is supposed to return a JSON object with all information from all offers from the agency. A single PHP file displayAll.php is necessary for this task. There should be a link in the home page that would lead to the API. Please note that the data from the database must be converted to a JSON type which is raw data, therefore no formatting is required.
after you create your own API (displayAll.php), create a new file called showAll.php, and that file will have a button, when you click on the button, you will show all data that you got from the API using AJAX.